
                        ╔═ turbopuffer ════════════════════════════╗ 
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║   client   ║░───API──▶║  ┃    Memory/    ┃────▶┃    Object    ┃  ║░
║            ║░         ║  ┃   SSD Cache   ┃     ┃ Storage (S3) ┃  ║░
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turbopuffer is a fast search engine that combines vector and full-text search using object storage, making all your data easily searchable.

Using only object storage for state and NVMe SSD with memory cache for compute, turbopuffer scales horizontally to handle billions of documents.

The system caches only actively searched data while keeping the rest in low-cost object storage, offering competitive pricing. Cold queries process 1 million vectors in 500ms (p90), while warm queries take just 20ms (p50). This architecture means it's as fast as in-memory search engines when cached, but far cheaper to run.

Storing data in cache and object storage costs less than traditional replicated disk systems, even for frequently accessed data.

turbopuffer is focused on first-stage retrieval to efficiently narrow millions of documents down to tens or hundreds. While it may have fewer features than traditional search engines, this streamlined approach enables higher quality, more maintainable search applications that you can customize in your preferred programming language. See Hybrid Search to get started.

To get started with turbopuffer, see the quickstart guide.

For more technical details, see Architecture, Guarantees, and Tradeoffs.