List namespaces


cursor stringoptional

used to retrieve the next page of results (pass next_cursor from the response payload)

prefix string

used to retrieve only namespaces that match the prefix, e.g. foo would return foo and foo-bar.

page_size stringdefault: 1000

limit the number of results per page (max of 1000)

Warning: This endpoint is currently not consistent. In other words, it's possible for short periods of time that a namespace exists but is not returned on this endpoint (or, that a namespace doesn't exist, but is returned from this endpoint).

// GET /v1/vectors?page_size=2
  "namespaces": [
      "id": "03b0fdf8-b1ae-11ee-a548-b121c8275f7a-client_test",
      "id": "03b0fdf8-b1ae-11ee-a548-b121c8275f7a-hello_world",
  "next_cursor": "MDk0ZGY4NjYtYjM1Yi0xMWVlLWI5YzYtMWRiM2IyMzRkNWEzLWhlbGxvX3dvcmxk"
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