
Upsert & Delete Documents

POST /v1/namespaces/:namespace

Creates, updates, or deletes documents.


Upsert latency
500kb docs




A :namespace is an isolated set of documents and is implicitly created when the first document is inserted. Within a namespace, documents are uniquely referred to by their ID. Upserting a document will overwrite any existing document with the same ID.

If this endpoint returns OK, data is guaranteed to be durably written to object storage. By default, writes are immediately visible to queries. You can read more about how upserts work on the Architecture page.

A namespace name can only contain ASCII alphanumeric characters, plus the -, _, and . special characters, and cannot be longer than 128 characters (i.e. must match [A-Za-z0-9-_.]{1,128}).

For performance, we recommend creating a namespace per isolated document space instead of filtering when possible. See Performance.

Each upsert can have a maximum payload size of 256 MB. For performance, we recommend writing in large batches for maximum throughput, to account for the latency of writing to object storage.

Upserts can be columnar by using ids, vectors, and attributes or row-based by using upserts.

Deletes are performed by sending a null vector.

Attributes must have consistent value types. For example, if a document is upserted containing attribute key foo with a string value, all future documents that specify foo must also use a string value (or null). The schema is automatically inferred, but can be configured to control type and indexing behavior.


ids arrayrequired unless {upserts, copy_from_namespace} is set

Document IDs are unsigned 64-bit integers, 128-bit UUIDs, or strings. Mixing ID types is not supported.

Integer and string ID types are inferred automatically. UUIDs serialize as a string, and require passing uuid as the id type in the Schema of the first upsert to tell turbopuffer to parse the UUID and store it in an optimized format.

Example: [1, 2, 3]

vectors array<f32>[array<f32>] | array<f32>required unless {upserts, copy_from_namespace} is set

Must be a nested array of the same length as the ids field or a flat array of length ids * vector_dimensions.

To delete one or more vectors, pass null in the vectors field.

Each vector in the namespace must have the same number of dimensions.

Example: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], null]

distance_metric cosine_distance | euclidean_squaredrequired unless copy_from_namespace is set

The function used to calculate vector similarity. Possible values are cosine_distance or euclidean_squared.

cosine_distance is defined as 1 - cosine_similarity and ranges from 0 to 2. Lower is better.

euclidean_squared is defined as sum((x - y)^2). Lower is better.

attributes object

Documents can optionally include attributes, which are used to filter search results.

Attributes are key/value mappings, where keys are strings, and values are a supported type. Value types are inferred on upserts.

This parameter is an object where the keys are the attribute names, and the values are arrays of attribute values. Each array must be the same length as the ids field.

When a document doesn't have a value for a given attribute, pass null.

If a new attribute is added, the new attribute will default to null for past documents.

Some limits apply to attribute sizes and number of attribute names per namespace. See Limits.

Example: {"color": [null, "red", "blue"], "size": [10, 20, null]}

copy_from_namespace string

Copy all documents from a namespace into this namespace. This operation is currently limited to copying within the same region and organization. The initial request currently cannot make schema changes or contain documents. Contact us if you need any of this.

Copying is billed at a 50% write discount which stacks with the up to 50% discount for batched writes. This is a faster, cheaper alternative to re-upserting documents for backups and namespaces that share documents.

Example: "source-namespace"

schema object

By default, the schema is inferred from the passed data. See Defining the Schema below for details.

There are cases where you want to manually specify the schema because turbopuffer can't automatically infer it. For example, to specify UUID types, configure full-text search for an attribute, or disable filtering for an attribute.

Example: {"permissions": "[]uuid", "text": {"type": "string", "full_text_search": true}, "encrypted_blob": {"type": "string", "filterable": false}}

upserts object

Instead of specifying the upserts in a column-based format, you can use this optional param to specify them in a row-based format, if that's more convenient (there's no difference in behavior).

Each upsert in this list should specify an id, and optionally specify a vector and attributes, as defined above. If vector is not provided, or has value null, the operation is considered a delete.

Example: [{"id": "1", "vector": [1, 2, 3], "attributes": {"color": "red", "size": 10}}, {"id": "2", "attributes": {"color": "blue", "size": 20}}]

delete_by_filter object

You can delete documents that match a filter using delete_by_filter. It has the same syntax and parameters as the filters parameter in the query API.

Example: ['And', [['title', 'IGlob', '*guide*'], ['views', 'Lte', 1000]]]

encryption objectoptional

Only available as part of our enterprise offerings. Contact us.

Setting a Customer Managed Encryption Key (CMEK) will encrypt all data in a namespace using a secret coming from your cloud KMS. Once set, all subsequent writes to this namespace will be encrypted, but data written prior to this upsert will be unaffected.

Currently, turbopuffer does not re-encrypt data when you rotate key versions, meaning old data will remain encrypted using older key verisons, while fresh writes will be encrypted using the latest versions. Revoking old key versions will cause data loss. To re-encrypt your data using a more recent key, use the export API to re-upsert into a new namespace.

Example: { "cmek": { "key_name": "projects/myproject/locations/us-central1/keyRings/EXAMPLE/cryptoKeys/KEYNAME" } }


Update or Insert

Bulk document operations use a column-oriented layout for documents, ids, and attributes. See below for the row-based API. Each batch is applied atomically, i.e. you won't see partial query results for a batch.


Documents can be deleted by upserting with the vector set to null. Since batches are applied atomically, if you delete a document and insert another in the same upsert, those operations will always be applied together.

Delete by filter

To delete documents that match a filter, use delete_by_filter. It has the same syntax as the filters parameter in the query API.


The schema is optionally set on upsert to configure type and indexing behavior. By default, types are automatically inferred from the passed data and every attribute is indexed. To see what types were inferred, you can inspect the schema.

The schema documentation lists all supported attribute types and indexing options. A few examples where manually configuring the schema is needed:

  1. UUID values serialized as strings can be stored in turbopuffer in an optimized format
  2. Full-text search for a string attribute
  3. Disabling indexing/filtering (filterable:false) for an attribute, for a 50% discount and improved indexing performance.

You can choose to pass the schema on every upsert, or only the first. There's no performance difference. If an upsert adds a new attribute, it will imply that all previous documents have a null value for that attribute.

An example of (1), (2), and (3) on upsert:


As an alternative to the column-based API, you can specify the upserts in a row-based format: